torsdag 14 juni 2012


You are my new friend in the forest who loves structure in his life, if you miss a minute then you get "chaos" ... We are like oil and water, but you touch a part of my soul. What you said about the fresh start, that here in Sweden is not my future, only the present. That I have lived many lives here, this is home, but I have to give my old country a chance, where it all began ... like you said ; You have not finished what you started in your old country, provide you and your child a new start, by the way, there will be someone who wants to live with you, but remember that the soul would never whant to own. .. but the body will take care of you. I understand what you mean today, when any man comes and wants to take care of us, it is the body that speaks, the soul wants to be with you. We talked about the relationship, two men have left their mark in my soul, one did search his own love in other women, but he fills my body and my soul, he is and will always be in me. The other fills my soul, but the body is crying, too many memories .. He has always listened to others and to become a "knight" and become a hero is his dream, he will always be in my soul. My only long relationship was of ego, two wounded souls who lived out of their bodies .. who lived in his cave. I dont want to go back. I'm done, have been addicted to this soul in many lives .. everything that was love for others was removed there was only one man you should love. As you said;  He wants you to teach him what love is, he has not worked with himself during all your years together, how can you teach him now ... No, see this as a new journey, where you are free and your child live in freedom. But remember you can never get addicted unless you allow yourself.

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