A glance and a thousand questions ... We met for an instant, a thousand rays went through me, I recognized you and you me. I knew we would meet again, but not when and where, we know we have our lives to live. I am grateful for the energy I got from you, my body became alive again. We could not keep us from each other, we knew we had the now, for tomorrow had not arrived yet. I do not know where the strength came from to keep me away from your door that was across mine, I knew if I went in there I would never go back to my old life. I know your longing for me, I can not explain but I feel the same as you, when you are in my energy field, I feel calm. We shared the energies that have been around for centuries, I got back a part of myself. If it is meant, then our paths will cross again, this trip was for me and you ... for our soul to find some rest. I have waited many years for this trip, I am grateful that I waited a long time because you were there now ... For you my old friend.
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