The story of Yumi (high priestess) and the oak man. In another time, where everything was allowed, no rules existed ... Yumi and the oak man had met in the woods at a young age. He had help Yumi through the which forest, as no one dared to go through those part. But Yumi knew it was part of her learning to become a high priestess, at 12 years of age Yumi knew what pain was, pain makes you grow. The Oak man was 22 years old, he was the handsomest man Yumi had ever seen, his eyes was as deep as the night. Yumi was wearing green dress, it suited her long curly black hair, she was so small, you'd think she was a boy. The Oak man lived in the forest, he was born there, half of his face showed what the village people could do when they did not get what they wanted. Half on his face with burns, looked like a map, but Yumi saw the beauty in his eyes, she would never forget this man that the forest had taken care of. As they used to joke that they were enemies, not friends, your enemies will show you what they think about you and they want something from you .. a friend always go behind your back and steal what you have, want everything that you own. Moiragh her spirit mother used to say so and the oak man agreed. Their friendship was free, for both knew that a high priestess could never raise a family, the oak man's mother had been a witch and his father a villager, their love could not be left alone, both died for their faith, to live in peace. The oak man never talked about it, but Yumi knew that the village people as long as they got what they wanted and they were happy, they let you be. They came to the temple where the witches and priestess were to be healed and get advice, but never care about them, never invited to their fest. The oak man got his name from Yumi, Yumi called him so because he was old for his age, he used to say "I will never want to capture your heart, what I want to reach is what makes Yumi to Yumi, all her dark side that no one sees ". He knew so much, he taught that solitude and loneliness are not the same, solitude is something you choose and it gives you something of yourself. Loneliness is not self-selected, it takes and eats you up, bit by bit, until everything falls into darkness, a large hole where you do not come out. He always worked with his hands, made furniture, figures and drew, they could be in silence without being quiet. They could listen to the trees when they whispered, Yumi loved those moments where she could be Yumi. His presence was peace, he lived for the moment, they could dance all night through the forest and then bathe in the lake. Yumi knew she would carry around his eyes in her spirit, some want to conquer one's heart, but this man reached her spirit. He used to joke and say you will find me in an oak tree with a map to my spirit. She knew she did not love this man, when you love, you want something in return, Yumi felt the presence of something greater, peace, that they were free ... she was Yumi. To the oak tree man..
Each story has something to teach us about ourselves.
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